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CDC Expands Recommendations
on COVID-19 Vaccines to Include


December 8, 2021

Pediatric experts answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccines.

Pediatric experts Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH and Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS on the top 5 things parents want to know about the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.

5 Things to Know About
the COVID-19 Vaccine
for Kids 5-11yrs Old

December 8, 2021

Pediatric experts answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccines.

Pediatric experts Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH and Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS on the top 5 things parents want to know about the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.

New Regional
Stay at Home Order Update

December 17, 2020

All individuals living in the State of California are currently ordered to stay home
or at their place of residence, except for permitted work, local shopping or other permitted errands, or as otherwise authorized.

The Regional Stay Home Order (PDF), announced December 3, 2020, and a supplemental order, signed December 6, 2020, went into effect at 11:59 PM on December 3, 2020 the day after regions listed below were announced to have less than 15% ICU availability. The supplemental order clarifies retail operations and are currently in effect. They prohibit private gatherings of any size, close sector operations except for critical infrastructure and retail, and require 100% masking and physical distancing in all others.

Once triggered, these orders will remain in effect for at least 3 weeks. After that period, they will be lifted when a region’s projected ICU capacity meets or exceeds 15%. This will be assessed on a weekly basis after the initial 3 week period. 

During this time of increased COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations it is more important than ever to follow CDC and state safety guidelines. The CDC and LA Department of Public Health are also encouraging the public to stay home for non-essential trips and holiday visits.

The state will post ICU capacity by region daily. The state also maintains a publicly available dashboard on hospital and ICU capacity by county.

What does the Regional Stay Home Order do?

The Regional Stay Home Order will help stop the surge and prevent overwhelming regional ICU capacity. 

For more information about the details on open businesses: click here and find out what’s open in your area.

The Regional Stay Home Order will help stop the surge and prevent overwhelming regional ICU capacity. 

For additional information on our states 'Stay Home Orders'

please visit:

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