Yes on Proposition 35!
Updated 8.29.2024 Pomona, CA (August 2024) - Through our affiliation with the California Primary Care Association (CPCA), East Valley...
Yes on Proposition 35!
L.A. Care Awards East Valley Community Health Center Oral Health Initiative Grant
East Valley CHC is an honored recipient of California’s ACEs Aware Initiative Award
East Valley Community Health Center Thanks Healthnet for National Health Center Week Sponsorship
The CDC approves NOVAVAX COVID-19 Adjuvanted Vaccine
Make The Call: Catch Up On Care
We've Missed You! Your Pediatrician Can't Wait To See You!
July 2 EVCHC, Pomona Vaccination Clinic & Food Distribution Event
East Valley Issues Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine being administered to children ages 12 - 15.